The soft(spaces) Clubhouse

The soft(spaces) Clubhouse serves as our Main Residence and vibrant community hub. Home to UloDos and 2nd-Floor Lounge, it hosts a majority of our in-person events.

Located in The BX

We are located in the Boogie Down Bronx, the birthplace of Hip Hop and home to Yankee Stadium, The Bronx Zoo, The Botanical Garden, Arthur Avenue, The Bronx Documentary Center, The Bronx Music Hall and more!

What’s Nearby?

The soft(spaces) Clubhouse is two-family Bronx townhome one block away from over 120 acres of lush green space (Crotona Park 🌳), 0.7 miles from the Freeman Street (2/5) Subway station and ~20 minute drive to Harlem (125th & Malcom X Blvd.)